Wings Above Billabong

Wings Above Billabong cover image by Mark L WilsonWings Above Billabong

Freddy Paxton and Jack Young fly their aeroplanes from Queensland to ‘Billabong’.  They are there to help at the nearby gold mine, as only trusted friends are in the know.  Seeing wings above ‘Billabong’ for the very first time wows everyone.  Bill Blake, who is 12 years old and revelling in his stay at ‘Billabong’, is especially excited.

But word gets out about the mine, and a couple of casual shearers steal the gold that is ready to go to the bank.  The thieves use one of the planes for their getaway, but they unexpectedly need to kidnap young Bill when he surprises them in the act.  Bill uses all his resources to outwit them and escape.  He rescues the ‘Christmas pudding’, which contains the gold, and makes friends with Miss Barbara Berkeley, a lively little old lady on whose farm he has landed.  She wanted adventure, and it comes out of the sky to her!

Republished as an eBook in 2018 by Mia Mia Digital Publishing Pty Ltd.  You can preview it here.

The Trustee of The Mary Grant Bruce Family Trust owns the extant copyrights to this story.

First Published in: 1935
First Publisher: Ward, Lock & Co. Limited
Places First Published: London and Melbourne

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