We give our acknowledgements and heartfelt thanks to Dr Alison Alexander for her generous permission to quote and use materials from her biography of Mary Grant Bruce, Billabong’s Author.
We also thank Anne Spudvilas for permission to use her artwork on the cover of the 1993 Angus & Robertson paperback edition of Mary Grant Bruce’s Golden Fiddles.
And we thank Mrs Deirdre Lennox for permission to use the charming paintings by her late husband, John Lennox. They were first published in the 1996 Angus & Robertson hardcover edition of Mary Grant Bruce’s A Little Bush Maid.
But mostly, we thank the multitude of readers who have come to love Mary Grant Bruce. From throughout Australia and all over the world. Without you, this site would not be here.
No assistance from any government anywhere has supported the development or maintenance of this website. And we have not asked for any help with it, either.
We have taken our lead from Mary Grant Bruce, who never sought any tax-payer support for her work. She rose on her own merits, and no-one was able to impose mediocrity upon her.
Her son, Jon, wrote this in her eulogy. “She died as she had lived, making her own tracks, beholden to no man, owing nothing to anyone.”